Monday, January 27, 2020

The People of Rajasthan

The People of Rajasthan When this magnificent beauty Rajasthan entails into our minds, the very first visual of this grand state comes with the images of iridescent lights and a wide variety of energetic folk dances and enthusiastic music it also reminds us of the desert- stretches, the forts, palaces, the mighty warriors, and royal robes of the rajas and maharajas. Thinking of this princely state also memorises us through the magnificent beauty which is established through the architectural wonders of havelis. The word Rajasthan literary means the abode of kings. Its pre-independence name Rajputana meant the homeland of -the mighty Rajputs. An energetic and a vibrant state where royal glory and tradition meets the colors of this world, contradicting the vast area of desserts and sand lies a perfect blend of people, culture, tradition, music, architecture, cuisine all in one pot. Rajasthans vast ocean of sand is contradictory to the colourful and vibrant culture and tradition it possesses. Growing generatio ns have seen their cultivated culture of music, art and dance through ages. A vast and wonder-laced state with treasures more sublime than those of fable, the Land of the Kings paints a bold image People of Rajasthan There is always an inadequate knowledge of the place without knowing its people. Rajasthan is an anthropological mixture of people who come from varied variety of ethnic, economic, religious, social and cultural background. In the ancient times the caste of the person determined their profession. As times have changed it slowly has adopted a birth based caste system. Many caste and sub-caste reside in this grand state of Rajasthan. The warriors of the clan are the Hindu Rajput constitute major portion of the residents of Rajasthan. The Brahmins and the vaishya also form a part of it. The population also consists of the muslims, Sikhs ,jains and sindhis. Major portion of the livelihood of the tribes like Jat, Gurjar, Mali arises from agricultural based activities. Other are free to choose their profession by will. The dresses and the ornaments used and worn by the folks are greatly influenced by their caste, economic status, climate profession and also history. Culture of Rajasthan Music and folk dances of Rajasthan The living soul of the people lies in there folk music and dance which also add a glamour in their hard lives. People in this state are very fun loving and energetic. They have highly cultivated classical and folk dances which have been a part of their culture for growing generations now. Folk music flourished due to the kings of Rajputana who embodied music in their courts. The music constitutes different flavours of folk music, the hymns and prayers in praise of the Lord, the magnificent stories of the chivalry of the mighty Rajput emperors, the local folk dances and songs in praise of the rain God. The vibrant gay colours of the attire totally contradict to the backdrop of the plain coloured desert and invoke the feeling of engaging in the dance. All the traditionally based old dance forms are still practiced religiously. Some of the peculiar dance forms are kaibelia dance, Ghoomar dance, Chari dance, Kacchi -Ghodi , fire dance and terah taai. Other types of dances are enforsed during different occasions. Art and Craft of Rajasthan This state is well known for textiles, semi precious stones, handicrafts, traditional and colourful art. The local furniture has complex carving and bright colour. There are many prints like block prints, tie and die prints which are the major products which are exported from Rajasthan. The blue pottery in Jaipur is particularly famous all over the world. We are aware of how much this beautiful state has to offer to tourists. We have however chosen something very different and rare for our DIP research  project. We all know that havelis are architectural monuments built by the rich merchants and traders to show off their wealth, and built by the well  to do families in the 17th and 18th century to protect themselves from the extreme climatic conditions, in the region known as Shekhawati. In the semi arid dessert regions of Shekhawati, the day would be boiling hot and the nights would be as cold as freezing ice. The land and its people This region of Shekhawati lies roughly between Jaipur, Delhi and Bikaner in the state of Rajasthan. There is little of industrialization that takes place in this region and farming is poor. Some families leave this region due to failure in financial gains, but they return back to their birthplace: either for retirement or to settle down again. Among the few of them that return are the Rajputs, the Shekhawats (whose ancestor gave its name to this land). The Shekhawati region, unlike most other parts of Rajasthan was never a single kingdom; it remained a loosely held conderation of feudal principalities. The Shekhawati land, is known for its frescos. What sets this region completely apart are the eye-striking beautifully made frescos. This part of the desert was once a part of Aryavat, the land of the Aryans who spread too a great extent to the northern part of our country. Aryans, were the community that composed their sacred texts, the oldest in the world, which are the VEDAS here. It would also be interesting to know that archaeologists have found remains of sites contemporary with the Indus Valley civilization dating all the way back to 200 BC. Our topic for this research project is: Comparative study of architecture of Havelis and their impact on society today. This topic of the architecture of havelis has indeed interested us as a group and we would love to explore this aspect of Rajasthan. It has a massive huge number of ancient havelis situated in the region of Shekhawati, where we plan to visit and study and carry out an  analysis of the different havelis The comparative study will be based on the  Architecture of the haveli The interior (frescos, murals, paintings, inscriptions The exterior (sculptures, doorways, bhaitak -seating area, hathi pol-entrances The way it has been constructed (Muslim, Hindu , Brahmin, Rajput) If the Haveli has been constructed keeping in mind the Vaastu (which will not be the same for the havelis that are owned by a different caste If the haveli has been constructed according to the climatic changes The materials that were used to construct the havelis According to us, this topic has a lot to offer to us because each one of us in the group have been interested in the tiny minute details of   havelis. Havelis do differ from one another on a very huge scale even though they are not always thought of as the same kind. Where we plan to go, which havelis? We first plan to visit an area known as Fatehpur. This town is well known for its really high quality of frescos. The havelis we plan to study here are: Gopiram Jalam haveli. Nand lal Devra haveli. Jagannath Singhania haveli. Our next town of visit will be a region known as Nawalgarh. A town where one can witness a mix of Rajput and European architecture. The havelis we do wish to analyze in this region are: Radheshyam Murarka haveli. Pannalal Mansingka haveli. This brings us to an interesting question, what exactly are Havelis? Haveli as a term used commonly has its named derived from a long traced back Arabic origin of the word `hawoleh meaning partition.   a related word `hawaleh has a slightly different meaning which is `all round or `round about. Through the ages the word havelis has taken  different forms. Though for Persian it had the same meaning as the word hawaleh but with the mughals arriving the word havelis changed into being a partition to a piece of land (this is very similar to the word estate whcich is used in the English language). Since the beginning of the origin of the havelis its definition is only limited to the physical characteristics which makes it inadequate. So far the  closest definition of the word haveli is given by the prince of Whales museum, Mumbai. A havelis generally means a mansion. But in totality, it  symbolizes generation who articulated their life style that includes architecture, customs and manners, `of course arts, crafts and music. The  havelis however are the official residences of umraos, princes, thakurs and others such as dhabhai, purohit and sethji who were given a special  status by the rana. Havelis has an official recognition The term HAVELI is an essentially north Indian concept, and the Persian term implies an enclosed space. The havelis were not just built for residential purposes. Their construction increased on a massive scale, because they were in a way known as objects of self-esteem, in a race to score against each other. They got more lavish and they also borrowed elements of Indo-Saracenic architecture that was standing out among the principal British settlements. Havelis in Rajasthan was primarily developed in 16th century to differentiate their life style from common people. The 2 broad classifications of  havelis in Rajasthan were- Rajput havelis and Marwari havelis while the other havelis were mainly based on the caste and occupation. Accordingly  there were havelis of the Brahmin caste, Muslim havelis, and havelis of other Hindu sub castes. A basic identification of havelis in any medieval  town of Rajasthan is possible by identifying the original owner, his official status, architecture, paintings on the walls of the havelis, sculptures  interiors, etc;  

Sunday, January 19, 2020

American Society of the 1950’s Essay

He is attacking the American society for not doing it earlier, as Hale is only shown to realise what is happening when it is too late. Miller’s slow build up of tension throughout the scene emphasises the emotional trauma suffered by the victims of both Salem and McCarthy. Abigail’s dramatic entry, right at the climax of the scene, has a negative effect on the audience, as they already have an idea of how evil she is, and the extent to which she will go to get what she wants. She manipulates the mind of Danforth, who she is able to overpower, making him very uneasy at times, and shows him to be â€Å"weakening†, he asks questions â€Å"apprehensively†, and at times is â€Å"dumbfounded†. This is because Abigail is the only way he can prove that he is in the right, and that years of studies have not gone to waste. By making Danforth’s character so weak, Miller is condemning the fact that McCarthy is a weak man who has a closed mind over the things he says and does. The language throughout the whole scene is very extreme, ‘Whore’, for an extreme, negative effect on the audience. Mary is shown to be ‘pleading’ with Abigail and this shows the extent o fear in the people of Salem and in America in the 1950s. Mary Warren is unable to faint when asked to, and this immediately creates tension in the audience, as they, most probably, would want her to faint in order to save Proctor and Elizabeth. Her inability to faint only strengthens Abigail’s case, and this would only strengthen what Danforth stands for. She then changes her confession to saying that she did deal with the devil, â€Å"My name, he want my name†, and goes against Proctor. Miller is showing us here how people would lie to save their own lives, and kill those who have been most helpful to them, and this criticises the American society, where people would lie in order to save their own lives. This scene would anger the audience, and make them feel hatred towards Mary, Abigail and especially Danforth, who will now definitely sign the death warrant for Elizabeth. Again, by making the hero of the play suffer Miller is expressing his hatred towards McCarthy and the people who followed him. When Abigail feels threatened, she and the other girls pretend to be attacked by the devil, in the shape of a yellow bird. Abigail tells the bird that ‘envy is a deadly sin†, and then accuses Mary of being the bird. This is ironic as Abigail is most envious of Elizabeth, and this is the only reason why the court cases have come this far. The faked attacks grow anger in the audience, as everyone knows that they are pretending, and yet the people still believe them. Miller is portraying the American society of the 1950’s as ignorant and stupid, who will believe anything the court and McCarthy believe. John Proctor is shown to be a very Christ-like figure throughout the play. In the movie version, Proctor is shown to be in water when he chases Mary Warren after she has run out of court. When everyone is against him, he stands alone in the water, almost as if he is being baptised. By showing us this, Miller is hinting at the fact that only the people who told the truth were the real ‘gods’; as Jesus Christ is believed to be in Christianity, and the others were just liars, who sacrificed their friends, or in Salem’s case, their enemies, in order to save themselves. Proctor’s confession to committing lechery, in an attempt to save his wife, is a much tensed scene. The dramatic irony of Elizabeth not knowing he has confessed, and the ‘natural lie’ she tells in order to save her husband’s name, all create suspense in the audience, as they know that the Proctor’s are innocent, and yet because of the injustice of the court, one of them, if not both, will die. Miller is again criticising McCarthy and his laws, as the innocent are dying and the guilty live. Proctor’s damning lines at the end of the play suggest that there were some good people in Salem and in America during the 1950’s-people who would give their lives for their loved ones. In the movie, Proctor is shown to be reciting the God’s Prayer just before being hanged, and it was believed that witches were not able to recite the God’s Prayer. By showing him do this, Miller is showing everyone how blatant it was that the innocent were dying, and he criticises the citizens of Salem for not realising this, in other words, he is criticising the American society. This has a negative effect on the audience, as they appreciate the injustice of McCarthy, and how the people were not doing anything to save anyone. The Crucible on a whole is a single issue play. The main plot evolves around the main characters of the play, and the other characters seem to be props to fill in the missing spaces. It is for this reason that the play lacks subtlety in both the plot and the characters, and why John Proctor is made to be the main character of the play, the only believable character that we can identify with. Having considered the dramatic nature of this scene, I believe that it criticises McCarthyism and is an attack on the American society of the 1950’s. Miller does this by repeatedly showing the Salem citizens as ignorant and unintelligent. He attacks Danforth time and time again, showing him to be weak, and yet he is able to have power over the people, only because of the fact that he has higher authority then they have. The innocent characters are the ones who are killed, and the guilty characters are the ones who get away with their crimes. This highlights the very point that during 1950’s America, there was no justice whatsoever, and the only people who ruled were those who were able to put fear into the hearts of others. Naaila Haq English Coursework 10g1 – 1 – Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Psychology Quiz: The Case of Ralph Tortorici Essay

In 1994, Ralph Tortorici, 26 years old, took a class hostage and ended up shooting one student in the leg and the groin. This kind of act could easily be categorized as one that would be surely convicted to a prison sentence of no less than 15 years. However, Ralph Tortorici’s case was not just because of rage and aggression; it was caused by mental illness – delusion disorder. How the court dealt with Ralph’s case is where things went wrong, and made it a torturous journey for him, ending when he took his life three years after his conviction, by hanging himself in his cell. He was sentenced to 20-47 years in prison, rather than to be sent to a mental institution. Two years before this incident, Ralph showed evidence of mental illness, and was well documented as he went to a university health worker and a state trooper for aid. He claims that a microchip is implanted in his penis as a part of a government experiment, and he could not take it anymore. He claims to hear voices from this microchip, telling him what to do. With such, actions should have been immediately made to intercede Ralph’s delusions, which perhaps wouldn’t have worsened, and more significantly, he might be still alive today. One fact I have learned about insanity defense is that pleading not guilty by reason of insanity isn’t by far the easy way out. Once an individual pleads not guilty by reason of insanity, this person is monitored by the state for the rest of his life. They must report to the state, and they become attached to the state until they die. So unless one is really mentally ill, lawyers do not advise their clients to plead not guilty by reason of insanity. Work Cited â€Å"A Crime of Insanity†. 17 Oct 2002. Pbs. org. 13 Jun 2009. .

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Solar Of Solar Module - 977 Words

Purpose In the present era where energy demands growing rapidly the solar module is one of the solutions and a good one. â€Å"More energy from the sunlight strikes the Earth in one hour (4.3 Ãâ€" 1020 J) than all the energy consumed on the planet in a year (4.1 Ãâ€" 1020 J)† therefore solar energy has a bright future ahead. The first solar cell was invented in 1953 and had efficacy rate of 4 present while toady’s solar cell is 40 present efficient. SolarCity is using the one of the efficient solar panels which yields 30 to 40 percent more energy than similar size solar module available in the market. Components There are many components those makes a solar panel. These components can be defined as external and internal components. A basic unit of the solar module is a solar cell and many solar cells create one solar module and more than one solar module creates an array. External Components External components are components which are used in the solar module’s external body as mention in the figure below in layers. Frame Framing play a very important role in a solar module because it will hold the panels together in addition, it protect the solar module from many environmental factors for instance wind and rain. Aluminum is commonly used in the solar module framing because of its unique properties. †¢ Aluminum can be recycle †¢ Aluminum is light in weight and yet gives the similar strength as steel against the wind and other environmental factors, therefore aluminum frame makeShow MoreRelatedEssay on Solar Module case931 Words   |  4 PagesStudy Analysis Nanosolar is a start-up company and expects to be one of the first manufacturers to produce thin-film solar panels using copper indium gallium (di)selenide (CIGS) technology. Nanosolar is focused on selling a single type of thin-film Photovoltaic (PV) module called the â€Å"Nanosolar Utility Panel†. 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